martedì 9 settembre 2008


Alla fine è andato tutto per il meglio!
Ero partito con mille riserve sullo spettacolo e tanta preoccupazione per i famosi "HOT TICKETS". Non si avevano ancora notizie certe sull'ingresso riservato e sull'accesso prioritario. Per fortuna, ciò che ci aveva assicurato SARA della LIVE NATION ITALIA si è a poco a poco concretizzato.
Lo show è stato GRANDIOSO e lo confermo col senno di poi. Chi mi conosce bene lo sa, di solito sono ipercritico con lei ma questa volta non ho niente da ridire. Madonna ha cantato benissimo e dal vivo. Polemiche o meno, le basi in playback erano utilizzate per i controcanti dei pezzi... come accade del resto per tutti i cantanti umani che non possono cantare contemporaneamente la parte cantata e quella controcantata.

Accendere il cervello prima di parlare, no? Ah vero, bisogna averlo....

Vi riporto una recensione (in inglese si..non mi va di tradurla è troppo lunga!) di Neil (aka Andifeel), membro del forum inglese di "MadonnaTribe", che descrive nei dettagli quell'indimenticabile giornata.

"Just back from my 6th "Sticky & Sweet" Show in Rome. WOW. What can I say. I've seen Madonna 70 + times now and NEVER have I experienced a crowd like last night in Rome.
There have been some amazing crowds before - Live Earth, G-A-Y, Confessions last 2 nights in Paris, but NOTHING prepared me for the Rome show. On walking to the VIP Entrance I have NEVER in my life seen so many Madonna stalls. Minimum of 200. Selling nothing but Madonna tat. Household goods. Jumpers. Scarves. Candles. Lunch Boxes. T Shirts. Vests. Cowboy Hats (she wore a purple one in Give It 2 Me.) Cushions. Seriously. The money was changing hands at an alarming rate. Madonna's people have really let themselves down and lost a TON of money on this tour, by keeping the merchandise inside the arena /stadium people have been buying up the illegal tat in their droves..
As I'm still only 5 weeks into recovery from fracturing my back, front row rushes are eluding me for this tour, so Wannabe and I gently strolled in at 5.25pm when the gates were opened to VIPs and Hot Ticket Holders only, and walked into the gold circle FROM BEHIND THE STAGE! Got a great pic but it was fascinating to see the mechanics, Madonna's driveway at the left of the rear as you look at it .. an entirely new experience. The Stadium itself was very old and dilapidated, certainly not as spectacular as Berlin, Wembley, Cardiff even, and they hadnt even tarped over the entire floor area - the running track was still visible which was bad as had they covered it over more people could have got closer. The Gold Circle was then opened to the first 3000 "normal" people. The Gold Circle itself was much smaller than Berlin or Cardiff - and they RAMMED it. It was Bad. We were directly centre onto the stage (end of catwalk) leaning against the barrier, eating melted cornettos in the sun. It was lovely!

Benny Benassi came on at 7.45pm and the crowd went loopy. Literally apesh*t. You'd think that Madonna had come on stage, given everyone a signed copy of "Re-Invention" on DVD and sung Gambler they were so happy and mental! Already when you looked behind you and saw people at the sides and the back standing to the support act, you knew this would be a special show.
As Benny finished and the sun went down, the giant pink M's lit up and we knew showtime would be soon. sure enough, Sugababes, followed by Phil Collins played and we knew the lights would be going down soon, confirmed as Madonna arrived and the people sat at the sides all went mad! 9.18pm ish and the Tick Tock introduction started as usual! The first thing I noticed was the roar of the crowd singing Candy Shop. No other crowd has hollered it so loud. A quick "Ciao Italia!" and we were into the Beat Goes On. "Don’t Sit There Like Some Silly Girl…" and the crowds voices were so LOUD they echo’d through the stadium. It was surreal. In no other place other than Paris have I ever encountered mass singalongs to album tracks (Gone in Bercy with 20,000 people singing it still wins for me..). Vogue is now so polished and sharp its breathtaking, and before you knew it we were into Into The Groove. Heartbeat is now either mimed or FULLY supported with a backing tape (a good thing) and Borderline is sounding better, both songs got great reactions, but not as good as She’s Not Me which again saw Madonna holding the mic out to the crowd TO SING THE VERSES and everyone singing it back! Music was another triumph. Devil was beautiful and Spanish Lesson – well, I'm finally a convert. Again, mass singalong. Confused astounded and elated! La Isla Bonita got the crowd jumping as normal and she didn’t even need to get the crowd clapping to Miles Away, they were already there doing it.
Special Madonna Concert Moment approaching: As they sat ready for You Must Love Me, a LOUD and HUGE "EVI-TA, EVI-TA, EVI-TA" chant broke out. Rather than ignore this (like she did for the confusing Happy Birthday in one other country I've been to in the last 10 days but can't remember…) she sat, nodded approvingly, then got on with the song. 4 Minutes was a triumph, as was Like a Prayer. Less jumping for Like a Prayer than in other venues until the choir part though, then Ray Of Light which was just as phenomenal as Berlin with literally everyone jumping. We even got my trademark “WHOO-WHOO” at the start AND the breakdown! So happy. She then asked for requests, dedicated "this next song to the Pope, he loves me, I'm a child of God too" and did first verse, chorus, and whoa - whoas of Like a Virgin. Hung Up now samples more ABBA than before and sounded great and for once toppled Ray Of Light for crowd reaction, before a triumphant Give It 2 Me which again saw her holding the mic out for the crowd to sing the verses, and as I turned to watch the crowd reaction, even the people furthest away had one arm in the air and were joining in the jumping routine.
Sadly the Italian public transport system and complete lack of any police meant that it was a rather shambolic trip back to our hotel compared to the other 5 European cities Ive been in this last week, however it meant we got to walk through hundreds more stalls in the Madonna Market and enjoy a nice chocolate doughnut LOL. The Stadium was sold out, the only empty seats were ones that had never been put on sale as they were either restricted sightlines or for General Admission people who wanted to sit rather than stand.
ITALIANS DO IT BETTER. Take it from a seasoned Madonna pro. WOW. Easily the Best Show and Best Crowd yet. By ten miles. Neil"

QUI invece la recensione di Stef32 aka Veleno32
su questo blog (a sinistra nella foto)

15 commenti:

  1. e' stato favoloso...a me e' piaciuto di piu' questo che il confession......
    e nn e' vero che ha cantato in playback..x me dovevano dire qualke cazzato visto che e' stata bravissima...e menomale che non e' successo niente come a NiZZA!


  2. a furia di leggere tutti i vostri commenti positivi mi sta salendo l'ansia al sol pensiero che ci vuole ancora un mese x me.....
    madòòòòòòòòòòòòòòòò :-)
    belle foto Superpop ;-)

  3. Più che altro l'ansia dovrebbe salirti perchè vai giusto due giorni prima della registrazione "ufficiale" :-P

  4. Ciao Gio!

    Sono stato felicissimo di averti incontrato di nuovo e di aver condiviso questa splendida esperienza con te!

    Dopo esserci incrociati sia al Reinvention che al Confessions (avevamo visto le stesse date .. destino :P), finalmente siamo stati insieme stavolta, come ci eravamo promessi :)

    PS: ma allora registreranno a New York?? Nuuuu io volevo il Brasile :(

  5. Che bell'esperienza! E contentissimo lo sono anche io. Anzi stra-contento! Finalmente insieme stavolta!
    Chissà quanto mi avrai invidiato quel famoso
    23 Agosto 2004, vero? :-))

    Su NY non c'è ancora niente di certo al 100% però così sembrerebbe. Io preferivo Atene. Se ci pensi bene
    potrebbe "ospitare" un mucchio di persone che hanno partecipato all'album, incrementando così le vendite del DVD.
    Sai quante scalmanate di Justin lo comprerebbero?

  6. mado' amica..che belle parole!
    ricordo ancora quando sei tornato a casetta quasi alle 2 di notte distrutto ma con una luce di felicità negli occhi!

    RAGAZZI QUESTO CONCERTO è FANTASTICO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! se Madonna decidesse di svernare a Roma,non è cosi' improbabile...

    io le potrei affittare una stnza....

  7. a superpò, io ero a destra del palco proprio davanti... ho fatto più video che foto, ma la mia fotocamera mi faceva incazzare perchè sfocava!
    hai visto le rughe di madonna? :)
    è stato lo spettacolo più bello che abbia mai visto... prima del concerto ho anche incontrato paul e jason, e l'altro ballerino, il più giovane, non mi ricordo come si chiama, il preferito di maddy...a proposito, strano che proprio TU non conosci i loro nomi... un espertone come te... :)
    quindi tu eri nel gruppo a gridare EVITA-EVITA ... ho immaginato che fosse stato qualche BURINO ^^ XD
    ho visto che c'erano un sacco di ballerine mai viste... ma da dove sono uscite? chi erano???
    ci sentiamo via mail... ciao!

  8. Giorgio, te lo ripeto, conoscerti è stato un grande piacere, mi hai ispirato simpatia e fiducia immediate! Il tuo blog poi è fenomenale... spero si possa replicare un incontro, magari insieme agli altri tribers! :)


  9. @ Andrea: A dire il vero il "preferito" di Madge non c'era in questo tour. I nomi li conosco, ovvio! E cmq si... io ero nel gruppo a gridare "EVITA-EVITA". Credo l'abbia apprezzato! :-P
    Ok, attendo la tua mail

    @ Neodie: che dire... Sono commosso! "_"

  10. oh si che c'era, era quello nero, giovane che ha fatto l'assolo di freestyle a like a prayer. come si chiama? ciao super

  11. Vi assicuro che il suo preferito è DANIEL "CLOUD" CAMPOS, ma in questo Tour non c'è!

  12. ma tesoro uscira il dvd intero del concerto o come i'm going to tell u a secret?


  13. none, con cloud non si era scannata?

  14. aggiornati sui gusti di madonna superpò! :P
